What is the NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT)?
The Trust gathers feedback from our patients in a variety of ways, providing us with timely feedback to enable us to respond to any areas for improvement.
The NHS Friends and Family Test (FFT) was created to help NHS providers understand whether patients are happy with the service they received, or where improvements are needed. It’s a quick and anonymous way to give your views after receiving NHS care or treatment.
The patients asked to complete the survey are:
- All adult acute inpatients (who have stayed at least one night in hospital)
- All adult patients who have attended A&E and left without being admitted to hospital.
The survey is called the Friends and Family Test because it is based on asking all patients the following standard question:
“How likely are you to recommend our ward (or A&E) to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?”
How are we asking the question?
When a patient is discharged from hospital they are given a postcard to complete containing the FFT question asking them to rate their experience. A second question will ask them for a written comment about the reason they chose their answer, to help us understand what is working well, and what we could do better.
We ask the patient to place the completed postcard in a post box at the end of the ward or at the hospital exits. Patients can complete the postcard at home if they prefer and post it back to us using the freepost address on the card.
Do patients have to answer the question?
No. Patients have the option not to be involved, but if they do participate, their response will be anonymous.
How will we use the information?
Firstly, the Trust will get direct, quick patient feedback, which will be considered at ward (or A&E), specialty and Trust level. The feedback will be used to help us to improve services for our patients. Secondly, the results will be sent to the Department of Health monthly and will be displayed on NHS choices website.
Check out our latest Friends and Family test resultsMore information is also available on the Friends and Family Test leaflet and Friends and Family Test easy read leaflet.