About our service
Our neurology physiotherapy service works specifically with a variety of neurological conditions in hospital, in outpatient clinics and in the community. We provide specialist assessment, treatment and management aiming to restore movement, function and quality of life. Our team of specialist physiotherapists work closely with you and your family or carers to tailor an individualised programme to meet your needs and goals.
Services we offer:
- In-patient Stroke Rehabilitation – the 20 bed Jubilee Acute Stroke Rehabilitation Unit (JASRU) is based near the Jubilee entrance of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Patients admitted to the ward will likely have been admitted via the emergency department or following an admission to the Royal Victoria Infirmary (R.V.I.) in Newcastle for Hyper-Acute stroke assessment and treatment. Occasionally patients are transferred here from other wards. Once on the ward you will be assessed and treated according to your needs and goals. The ward is designed to support current stroke research and guidelines in rehabilitation with an emphasis on achieving a high level of physical activity across the day. Each patient’s level of activity is based on current medical status and patient needs also considering factors such as post-stroke fatigue. Patients on this ward and their families may also have access to coordinated joint therapy sessions and/or meetings to support their transition out of hospital.
- Community Stroke Rehabilitation Team – based at Bensham Hospital, the physiotherapists in this team support discharge from hospital and continue to work in accordance with patients’ needs and towards patient’s goals in a home setting. This could also happen in places of 24 hours care. Often people may meet their community physiotherapists in hospital to ensure there is a familiar face supporting their journey out of hospital.
- Adult Neuro Team – based at the Queen ElizabethHospital the team provide virtual, outpatient and community physiotherapy for patients with neurological diagnosis and issues. You can be referred to this service by a member of the medical, nursing or allied health professional teams in hospital or in the community. The decision about where to assess and treat patients is made based on referral and triaging information of your needs and situation. This will also be considered following an initial assessment and at intervals throughout treatment. Your physiotherapist or assistant in this service will also signpost you to other relevant services to help support your longer term neurological needs.