Showing 29 Resources filtered by 'C'
- The cardiac diagnostics department carries out tests to see what the performance of your heart is like. Some of the tests we perform are listed below and the test(s) you will be attending for is highlighted. Do I need to do anything to prepare for my test? No, you will not have to do anything […]
Children’s Speech and Language Therapy
About The Children’s Speech and Language Service The Children’s Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) service aims to maximise the communication potential of children and young people aged 0-19 years with speech, language, and communication needs. The service also provides assessment and support to families to ensure their child can maintain safe and effective eating, drinking […]Topic: Children's Speech and Language Therapy
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Children’s Occupational Therapy Service
About The Children’s Occupational Therapy Service The Occupational Therapy team help children and young people aged 0 – 19 participate and engage in their everyday tasks and activities to support development, health and wellbeing. The team includes Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapy Technical Instructors, and administrative support. The service works with children and young people who […]Topic: Children's Occupational Therapy
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Child’s Clavicle Fracture
The diagnosis of a fractured collarbone has been made at your A&E Department / Urgent Treatment Centre visit. The treatment of such a fracture is as follows It is recommended that your child should wear a broad arm sling or a shoulder immobiliser for 2-4 weeks, depending upon their pain. The sling supports the weight […]Topic: Emergency Care
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Chest Injury
Chest injuries are not always x-rayed. Broken ribs are not strapped. Chest injuries can be very painful, and this may last for a few weeks. You need to breathe deeply and fill the lungs with air to prevent getting a chest infection. Do’s You should cough if necessary. If this painful, press firmly over the […]Topic: Emergency Care
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Community Diagnostic Centre
Getting your scans and tests at the Community Diagnostic Centre in the Metrocentre The Community Diagnostic Centre in the Metrocentre offers patients different checks, scans and tests. These services are available outside the main hospital, allowing you to get appointments more quickly and at convenient times, including evenings and weekends. We know that getting any […]Topic: Community Diagnostic Centre
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Cubital Tunnel Release Surgery
This leaflet aims to help you understand and gain the maximum benefit from your operation. It gives advice and will help you manage and treat your symptoms. If after reading this leaflet you have any questions, please get in touch. What is cubital tunnel? Cubital tunnel syndrome is a condition which affects the ulnar nerve, […]Topic: Orthopaedics
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
CT guided biopsy
This information leaflet has been produced to give you general information, and hopes to answer most of your questions when requiring a CT Guided Biopsy. It is not intended to replace the discussion between you and your healthcare team, but may act as a starting point for discussion. If after reading it you have concerns […]Topic: Radiology
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Council of Governors Agenda and Papers – November 2024
The agenda and papers for the Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust Council of Governors meeting on Wednesday 20 November 2024 can be downloaded belowType: Governor papers
Audience: Patients and visitors, Staff
Council of Governors’ Annual Report 2023/24
This annual report describes the main activities undertaken by the Council of Governors over the past year on behalf of their members who elected them or the partner organisations who appointed them. It demonstrates how the Governors have fulfilled their general or statutory duties.