- This leaflet is designed for people taking basal bolus insulin regimens for treating diabetes. Most people take an injection of fast acting insulin with each meal (examples include: Fiasp®, NovoRapid®, Humalog®) and then a further injection of longer acting insulin on an evening or at bedtime (examples include: Lantus®, Abasaglar®, Toujeo®, Tresiba®.) Why have I […]
Children’s Speech and Language Therapy
About The Children’s Speech and Language Service The Children’s Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) service aims to maximise the communication potential of children and young people aged 0-19 years with speech, language, and communication needs. The service also provides assessment and support to families to ensure their child can maintain safe and effective eating, drinking […]Topic: Children's Speech and Language Therapy
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Children’s Occupational Therapy Service
About The Children’s Occupational Therapy Service The Occupational Therapy team help children and young people aged 0 – 19 participate and engage in their everyday tasks and activities to support development, health and wellbeing. The team includes Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapy Technical Instructors, and administrative support. The service works with children and young people who […]Topic: Children's Occupational Therapy
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Minimally Invasive Lymph Node Dissection
The lymphatic system The lymphatic system helps protect us from infection and disease. It is made up of fine tubes called lymphatic vessels. These vessels connect to groups of small lymph nodes throughout the body. The lymphatic system drains lymph fluid from the tissues of the body before returning it to the blood. Lymph nodes […]Topic: Gynea Oncology
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Surgical Management of Womb Cancer
Understanding womb cancer About womb cancer In the UK, about 9,400 women are diagnosed with womb cancer each year. Womb cancer is rare in women aged under 40 and becomes more common after the age of 55. Womb cancer can affect anyone who has a womb. Most womb cancers start in glandular cells found in […]Topic: Gynea Oncology
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Menopause after Treatment for Gynaecological Cancer
What is the menopause? Menopause is a time when a person’s periods stop and the ovaries stop producing hormones. The average age of menopause in the United Kingdom is 51. In a natural menopause people may experience symptoms for several years prior to periods stopping, this is known as perimenopause. Some people may experience an […]Topic: Gynea Oncology
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Guidance for Adjusting Twice Daily Pre-Mixed Insulin
This leaflet is designed for people taking twice daily pre-mixed insulin (examples include: Humulin M3®, NovoMix 30®, Humalog Mix25®, Humalog Mix50®) for treating diabetes. Why have I been given this leaflet? This is to support you with adjusting your insulin doses to achieve blood glucose readings which are within target range. Keeping blood glucose readings […]Topic: Diabetes
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Biologics and other Targeted Medicines for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
IBD Nurses Consultant E Wilson Dr. D Mansour Dr. R Qureshi F McClure Dr. A Reddy Dr. J Barbour IBD Pharmacist Dr. A Saeed Dr. J Singh L Greenwell Dr. E Johns Dr. A Niegowski Telephone: 0191 4453148 This leaflet contains information about biologics and other targeted medicines used to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). […]Topic: Gastroenterology
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Top Tips to Overcome Oral Oversensitivity
Introduction Some children can become very sensitive to the food that goes into their mouth, especially new food. Please see below for information on interventions you can carry out at home to reduce the impact of oral sensitivity on your child’s eating habits. 1. Make very small changes in texture There are two main ways […]Topic: Children's Speech and Language Therapy
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Introducing Textured and Solid Foods for Babies and Toddlers Who are Orally Oversensitive
Introduction Some babies and children can find it difficult to move from smooth and pureed foods to more textured, lumpy foods. Often children will show frequent gagging, retching or even vomiting when eating lumpy foods. This is very normal and should not be a cause for concern. Pushing food out of the mouth is babies’ […]Topic: Children's Speech and Language Therapy
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors