If your baby or child is unwell call 111, get advice and do not delay getting help.
Find out the symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in children and young people.
To help you decide if your child needs to seek medical attention we have two resources.
The Orange book online has advice on all common childhood illnesses
This helps you decide when and where to get help if your child is unwell ( it is a more detailed version of p11 of the Orange Book).
Remember any small babies under 3 months old with a temperature over 380C or babies between 3-6 months with a temperature over 390C should be seen by a health care professional.
Vulnerable children and coronavirus
If you are worried that your child is unwell please follow the if you have symptoms advice.
If your child is currently receiving treatment from us, it is really important you continue to follow the advice and instructions given by your clinical team.