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Your guide to discharge from the breast clinic

This leaflet has been produced to provide you with information about being discharged from the breast clinic.  It aims to answer some of the questions often asked by patients.

Why am I being discharged from the clinic?

You have been seen regularly in the breast clinic to check that all is well following your previous breast cancer treatment.

You are now much less likely to develop problems as the risk reduces of developing any problems as time goes by. Therefore we will be discharging you from the clinic. We will however readily see you again if you have any problems in the future.

What about mammograms in the future?

Your mammograms will be arranged through the breast clinic for 5 years  After 5 years you will be sent an invitation to attend for you mammogram through the National Breast Screening Programme.  This would normally be done every three years and may be at one of the mobile units while it is in your local area.  You do not need to have a mammogram performed any more often than this.  Women over 70 are not routinely invited for a mammogram but we would encourage you to request this by contacting your local breast screening office:

How do I arrange to get a new breast prosthesis?

You are entitled to a new breast prosthesis on the NHS every two years.  When you need a replacement and you wish to have the same prosthesis and size, then contact us in advance and we will order this for you.  This can be collected from the breast screening reception.  If you wish to come for a fitting, this takes place on a Monday afternoon in the breast unit by Health Care Assistant.

Please contact: Breast Care Nurse Secretary.

Tel no:  0191 445 3746 between 9.30am to 3.30pm to make an appointment for a fitting.

What symptoms do I need to look out for?

If you notice any of the following symptoms you should visit your GP or ring your Breast Care Nurse for advice.

  • Recent changes in the area of your surgery including rashes or spots that don’t go away.
  • New lumps at the site of your surgery.
  • New lumps in the armpit or neck.
  • New lumps or changes in the other breast or armpit.

You should also visit your GP if you notice any new or persistent changes in your general health that are unexplained and last for more than a few weeks, for example.

  • Any new persistent shortness of breath, or cough.
  • Any new persistent neck or back pain.
  • Any new persistent aches or pains.

These symptoms may not be related to your previous breast cancer but your GP can provide you with advice.

Who can I contact for help or advice?

If you have any concerns or queries following your discharge from the breast clinic do not hesitate to contact your breast care nurse who will do their best to help and advise you.