The UK Health Security Agency has extended its Amber Cold-Weather Alert, which will remain in effect across the North East until 9:00 am on 14 January 2025. If you think this will affect your travel to your appointment please contact us as soon as possible 0191 482 0000. For guidance on staying safe and protecting your health during cold weather, visit Protecting your health in cold weather

Welcome to Gateshead NHS

Congratulations on your new role and welcome to the Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust team.

Congratulations on your new role and welcome to the Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust team.

Below, you will find some useful information, from how to activate your electronic staff record that will enable you to complete some core skills eLearning, to manual handling information and a handy park and ride and hospital maps.

When you access your electronic staff record, the eLearning you need to complete if you are not already compliant will be shown in your compliance portlet and is specific to your role.

Once you have started at the Trust, your portlet will be updated with all your core skill requirements.

You should check your ESR portlet and complete all core skills within one month of starting at the Trust.

The learning and development team can support you with this and you will be told about how to access this support at the Trust induction.

Location map for QE Hospital

Activating your ESR account and completing eLearning (1MB pdf)

Enrolling onto a eLearning package (762kB pdf)

Manual handling textbook (9MB pdf)

Manual handling video information (461kB pdf)

Park and Ride Map (161kB pdf)

Resus Information Leaflet (2MB pdf)

Sewing Room Uniform Order Form (435kB pdf)