Information for patients who have had an unsuccessful electrical cardioversion

After you have had your electrical cardioversion it is important that you know what to do in the 48 hours following your procedure

You must not

  • Drive for 48 hours
  • Return to work for 48 hours

You can resume normal activities after 24 hours as long as you feel well enough to do so.

You must

  • Continue to take your anti-coagulant. This is very important because you are still at risk of blood clots.
  • Continue to take all your other tablets unless your cardioversion nurse has told you otherwise

What happens next?

Unfortunately, as your cardioversion was unsuccessful you may still suffer symptoms from your abnormal heart beat. Your cardioversion nurse will have discussed this with you before you were discharged.

Your cardioversion nurse will arrange a follow up appointment to discuss further treatment options.

If you need advice

Please contact the cardioversion nurse if you need advice about anything. Contact numbers can be found at the bottom of this leaflet.

If you feel unwell with any of the following symptoms, chest pain, severe breathlessness, severe dizziness, severe ongoing palpitations then you must seek urgent medical advice by calling 999.

Contact numbers:                                                         


Cardioversion Nurse 0191 445 2408
Secretary 0191 445 3594