You have been diagnosed with a viral infection.
Viral illnesses are common. The symptoms make take several days, or longer, to recover.
Viral infections do not respond to antibiotics; therefore, you will not be prescribed antibiotics.
Symptoms may include
- Cough and cold
- Fever (high temperature)
- Lethargy
- Headache, pain in arms and legs
- Loss of appetite
- Diarrhoea and vomiting
- Take regular Paracetamol and/or Ibuprofen. This will reduce temperature and relieve discomfort.
- Take plenty of fluids, often small amounts frequently. Don’t worry if you don’t want to eat. This is to be expected.
- You may want to sleep more than usual.
- Careful hand washing is advised to reduce the risk of the spread of infection.
Seek medical attention if
- your symptoms persist for more than three weeks
- your symptoms get suddenly worse
- you have breathing difficulties
- you develop complications of a cold, such as chest pain or coughing up bloodstained mucus
Please contact
- NHS 111
- Your own GP