The Sister Winifred Laver Centre is a sixty bed intermediate care facility for patients recovering from an illness or injury. The centre is for patients requiring a period of recovery, rehabilitation or reablement which does not need to be provided in hospital but can’t be provided in their home due to their support needs.
The centre has two main aims, hospital avoidance in the first instance as well as supporting people who have had a stay in hospital but are currently unable to be supported at home. The centre provides integrated care from both Gateshead Local Authority and Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust.
The aim is to provide a multidisciplinary assessment and treatment plan to maximise independence and health and wellbeing. As well as providing timely discharge from hospital or preventing unnecessary hospital or residential care admissions. Those requiring 24/7 nursing cannot be supported in the centre.
Half of the beds will focus on supporting patient recovery before being able to return to their own home. It is envisaged with the support from the Gateshead Health team, these residents will have a length of stay between 2 and 4 weeks before going back home with or without reablement for a short period to complete their recovery
The remaining beds are for patients who are potentially going to need a longer period of recovery and may need some long-term support at home. This could include those with dementia with the expectation that they will need around 6 weeks support before returning home or moving into a long term placement. Patients can be admitted to the new centre following a trusted assessment by appropriately qualified professionals.
Opening times:
Nursing care can be provided for up to 30 patients and nurses will be available from 7:00am to 7:30pm all year round. Community nurse practitioners also support St Albans GP Practice Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm.
The therapy provision, provided by physiotherapists, occupational therapists and rehabilitation assistants will be available for patients seven days per week. Operating hours for the occupational therapy and physiotherapy team are 8:30am to 4:30pm all year round.
Please contact 0191 4336 620 for further information.