Visiting times
Only 2 visitors per bedside at any time please.
Please don’t come to visit if you are feeling unwell.
Please help us to help your relative and follow the guidance set out in this leaflet.
If any problems please contact the ward manager.
What to bring into hospital?
Please ensure you or your relative have filled in a patient’s property sheet on admission. Staying in hospital is much more comfortable with your own personal belongings and books/magazines to help pass the time. We do offer free radio services from the bedside televisions and hospital Wi Fi is also available.
- Loose day clothes and well-fitting footwear.
- Nightwear, dressing gown and slippers.
- Toothbrush and toothpaste.
- Hairbrush or comb.
- Soap and shampoo/ Dry Shampoo.
- Shaving kit.
- Glasses/contact lenses.
- Hearing aids.
- Medications. Please bring your current medication in their original containers.
- Wear non-slip footwear at all times when you are out of bed
- Non-slip grip socks are available on the ward, patients who are increased risk of falls should have yellow fall socks from admission.

- Use any walking aids given to you from the physio.
- Keep personal items within easy reach.
- Ask relatives to take unused items away to reduce clutter at bedside area.
- Do not use hospital furniture to help you stand up as they are on wheels.
- Ensue that you wear your prescribed glasses and hearing aids.
- Ensure slippers are well fitted with backs in and are non-slip.
- Please use your nurse call bell, staff are here to assist you

Please take valuables/large amounts of money/jewellery home. The trust accepts no liability for any loss, damage or theft of any property belonging to a patient.
Nutrition plays a vital part in recovery. Ward mealtimes are approximately
- 08:00: Breakfast.
- 12:00 Lunch.
- 17:00 Dinner.
To promote Nutrition, we operate a protected mealtime throughout the trust to ensure meals are not interrupted. Every day lunch menus are given out so you can choose what meal you would like the following day. Please inform staff if you have any allergies or food choices and we hope to accommodate this. We also have a range of meals that can be ordered daily for you such as:
- Halal
- Gluten free
- Adjusted textured diet
Our ward housekeeper is always happy to try and get different meals and snacks such as jacket potatoes, finger foods and wedges, if the main menu is not suitable for you. Staff will always assist with feeding if patients require additional support. We would encourage families/carers to get involved at mealtimes to assist with feeding. We are happy for you to bring in food/drinks that can be labelled and stored in our ward fridge, but we are unable to reheat food brought into hospital.
Falls prevention
Sometimes patients experience a fall while in hospital. This may be because of a sudden change in health, disorientation due to unfamiliar surroundings, the effect of new medication or mobility and balance problems. Unfortunately, accidents can happen at any time, but we will do our very best to minimise this risk. If you have fallen in the last 12 months, please let us know.

Do you usually have a Carer? Or do you care for your relative?
If you are a patient and usually care for a relative, let us know and we will help ensure support is put in place for them whilst you are in hospital. We support John’s Campaign, which advocates for carers being welcomed into hospitals. If you are coming in to assist with hands on care, please ask a member of staff about a carer’s passport. This can help you with:
- Parking
- Facilities on the ward
- Increased visiting hours
Please speak to our staff if you have any concerns regarding your care on the ward as soon as they arise. We are here to make your stay on the ward a positive experience, and strive to make it as comfortable as possible.