This leaflet explains more about therapeutic putty exercises for patients with issues related to their wrist, hand, or finger under the care of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital physiotherapy team. Please ensure that you only exercise as instructed by your therapist. If you have any further questions or concerns, please speak to your therapist.
Why should I do therapeutic putty exercises?
As your hand gets better after injury or surgery, you may need to exercise the muscles to get back to being able to use the hand normally day-to-day. Therapeutic putty can help you exercise each muscle separately for as good a recovery as possible.
How often should I do my exercises?
The following exercises should be done _______ times each.
You should hold each exercise for __________ seconds. Repeat _______ times each day.
What exercises should I do?
Your therapist will let you know which exercises to complete – only do the ones that are ticked.

Contact us
If you have any questions regarding the information provided in this leaflet, please feel free to discuss them with your therapist at your next appointment.
For more urgent queries the team can be contacted on the phone number listed below.
Your therapist’s name is __________________________________
Physiotherapy administration contact: 0191 445 2320
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