The UK Health Security Agency has extended its Amber Cold-Weather Alert, which will remain in effect across the North East until 9:00 am on 14 January 2025. If you think this will affect your travel to your appointment please contact us as soon as possible 0191 482 0000. For guidance on staying safe and protecting your health during cold weather, visit Protecting your health in cold weather

New maternity theatre opens in Gateshead

A new state-of-the-art maternity theatre unit has opened at Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust.

New maternity theatre unit

A new state-of-the-art maternity theatre unit has opened at Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust.

Due to the increasing numbers of operations required in the maternity department, the new theatre will allow more capacity for planned and emergency operations to take place.

The new theatre is the second theatre room at Gateshead Health and will allow the maternity unit to safely manage the increasing number of operations required, as well as reduce delays for mothers waiting for planned caesarean sections.

Medical director and consultant obstetrician & gynaecologist, Andy Beeby said “We are delighted to see the extension of our theatre opening. This will allow us to continue to provide excellent patient care to mothers, allow safer deliveries and additional space for more surgeries to take place.

New maternity theatre unit

All staff in maternity are very much looking forward to working in the new facilities and continuously improving the quality and safety of our services for our patients.”

Service line manager for obstetrics & gynaecology, Kate Hewitson said “It is extremely exciting to see the second maternity theatre finally in operation.

“This will allow the increasing number of maternity patients requiring surgical procedures to receive care in brand new, state-of-the-art facilities alongside our existing department.

“A huge thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to make this happen.”

Consultant anaesthetist and previous clinical lead of anaesthetics, Andre Terblanche said “I am extremely pleased that we can open this modern theatre suite. I know that this will improve the safety for mothers having their babies at the QE Hospital.

“I believe that the new facility will enhance the experience for new mothers and their partners and create a better work environment for our staff.”

The new maternity theatre is due to open at the end of August and will be operating immediately with planned caesareans taking place first.

The build of the new maternity unit was built in collaboration with QE Facilities, a wholly owned subsidiary company of Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust. The additional theatre has been designed by ModuleCo creating a modular building that is built off-site and lifted and placed on-site by crane.