The UK Health Security Agency has extended its Amber Cold-Weather Alert, which will remain in effect across the North East until 9:00 am on 14 January 2025. If you think this will affect your travel to your appointment please contact us as soon as possible 0191 482 0000. For guidance on staying safe and protecting your health during cold weather, visit Protecting your health in cold weather

Gateshead’s International Nursing team has been in post for one year

Gateshead Health currently has 50 international nurses, of which 42 are now UK Registered Staff Nurses.

Following extensive planning and preparation, the first international nurses arrived at the Trust last year. Since then we’ve had more international recruits arriving each month.

Gateshead Health currently has 50 international nurses, of which 42 are now UK Registered Staff Nurses. They have received their Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) registration with the others going through the training process and so far they have a 100% pass rate.

The nurses have a broad on boarding and pastoral programme before attending wards with the team supporting access to the hospital computer systems. The team help them with many of the practical things for settling into a new country, such as opening bank accounts and finding accommodation.

There is an extensive comprehensive teaching programme, delivered by the practice development team. The education team provides training at Spire House until the nurses sit their Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and join the wards. Shincy Shaju said, “I enjoy working in the team and I am looking forward to being equipped with the skills needed in a hospital setting.”

Our new cohort has been with us for 2 months and are enjoying their training. International Nurse, Jomanuel said, “I appreciate the support system that the International educators are providing to us for our OSCE preparations.”

The team would like to thank everyone who has welcomed the nurses to the wards and to the Gateshead team.

International nursing team taking part in training
The nursing team during training