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Gateshead NHS cutting costs and carbon with new green technology

Seven buildings at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Gateshead will soon be completely zero-carbon as the Trust goes green with new technology.

Zero-carbon means that an activity releases net-zero carbon emissions into the atmosphere – making this project a huge leap forward in sustainability for the NHS in Gateshead.

QE Facilities Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust, has been awarded £1.5m from the government to install air source heat pumps in buildings across the QE site, including the women’s health clinic and the Tranwell Unit, which provides chemotherapy to patients.

The transport, IT, estates and oncology departments, as well as wards 19 and 20, will also receive heat pumps. The electricity required for these will be produced by four sets of new solar panels being installed on building roofs. The site’s building management system will also be upgraded to improve energy efficiency and performance.

Anthony Robson, managing director of QE Facilities, said: “We are very proud that we can now say that some of our buildings are zero-carbon. Reducing our carbon emissions will also save us money in the long term, which means we can spend our money where it matters, on patient care. It is very satisfying to combine these two sustainable technologies to help the hospital provide a secure and reliable source of energy that will reduce both costs and carbon emissions.”