Cardiac Physiologists. The role is very diverse as different diagnostic tests are carried out daily, which keeps the job interesting and meaningful in helping patients with diagnosis. A Cardiac Physiologist uses a wide range of high-tech equipment to assess patients with heart problems.
The team carries out a variety of tests to help work out what treatment someone needs and procedures that are crucial for patient care. From echo cardiograms that show a picture of the heart’s structure and function, to angiograms that detect arterial blockages, and fitting pacemakers to regulate heart rhythm, each task plays a vital role in diagnosing and treating cardiac conditions. Patients can sometimes be nervous about being tested, so the Cardiac Physiologist needs to put them at ease. They analyse the findings of tests to report to the doctor responsible for the patient’s treatment.
Shinya Hamagareb, Senior Cardiac Physiologist comments on the role:
We take pleasure in the diversity of the tests we administer. We like working as a team in the Catheter lab and cardiac diagnostics. For the PPM procedures in particular, team members must be able to work well together to provide the greatest results for patients. However, it’s equally crucial to work independently and give each test our best effort.
Every day, we look forward to seeing all of the patients. We spend the majority of our time with patients, and we get to interact with a variety of people every day. Meeting patients who have successfully recovered is incredibly fulfilling. In our department, one of the greatest aspects is when a new member of staff is joining our team. We take students on board and they bring fresh perspectives as well as an eagerness and enthusiasm for learning. We give the warmest welcome and make them feel at ease. It’s rewarding working with students and new colleagues as they develop their skills
Shinya Hamagareb, Senior Cardiac Physiologist
Cardiac Physiologists work in a multidisciplinary team (MDT) that includes a cardiac consultant, cardiology registrars, radiographers, nurses, and healthcare assistants. At Gateshead Health, we are proud of our teams working together in a setting where we have successful patient outcomes.