Sunderland District Classic Vehicle Society raised a staggering £1,340.00 in support of our Surgical Breast Care unit by hosting a charity night with one of their very own members, John Foxton, singing Rock’n’Roll classics which had everyone up on their feet dancing. The classic car members have held multiple car shows across the country running raffles and tombola’s which contributed to their amazing fundraising total.
The Sunderland District Classic Vehicle Society has been running for 27 years and over the last 20 years has supported hundreds of charities by attending classic car events across the region raising funds with the amazing contribution of their supporters. The Classic Car group wanted to raise funds for our Surgical Breast Care Fund following the fantastic care which was given to the wife, Jacqui Foxton, of one of the clubs members John Foxton.

Jacqui has been determined in her fight against breast cancer which she attributed to the amazing care and support she received from the Breast Services Team at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. It has come with great sadness as Jacqui’s best friend Freda, who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the same time as Jacqui, sadly lost her fight against cancer. Jacqui and Freda helped each other through the extremely difficult time by giving each other tips, having coffees together and lots of singing. Jacqui wanted to again thank the Breast Services Team for its fantastic support who she described as always being helpful, kind and caring.
Clare Drummond, Charitable Funds Manager, said “Jacqui has been though a very difficult journey not only battling her own fight against cancer, but supporting her best friend who devastatingly lost her fight against cancer. Jacqui is so grateful for the kindness and amazing care both friends received from our Breast Services Team and following meeting with James McCourt, Service Line Manager for Breast Services and members of his team, felt it really did help her with some closure. I would like to say a huge thank you on behalf of our charity to Jacqui and the Sunderland District Classic Vehicle Society for their amazing donation which I know will make such a big difference for patients like Jacqui and Freda in the future”.

James McCourt, Service Line Manager for Breast Services said “We cannot say thank you enough for the amazing efforts of Jacqui and her husband with the support of the Sunderland District Classic Vehicle Society. Charitable fundraising activity such as this is vital and it is hugely satisfying that future patients will benefit from this. Our patients are part of our breast team – and the work we do together is truly life-changing. Donations such as this allow us to continue making a difference for all our patients.”

Because of the generosity of fundraisers like the Sunderland District Classic Vehicle Society and Jacqui, QE Charitable Funds is able to make a big difference by funding things like state of the equipment, those extra’s which improve and support our patients experience, advanced specialist training for staff and life changing research which benefit the thousands of patients cared for every day by Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust.
If you would like to support QE Charitable Funds by joining one of our fundraising events or by organising your own fundraising event, please contact: [email protected].