Dr Narayanan is a Consultant Physician specialising in Diabetes and Endocrinology.
Dr Narayanan spent his post graduate training years in Mumbai, India and then in Nottingham. Since starting as a consultant in Gateshead back in 2002, he has led the team in setting up a number of services:
- An integrated diabetes service linking in closely with primary care services for the care of people with diabetes
- Gateshead Insulin Pump Service
- Clinic for people with diabetes related acute foot problems
- Worked with paediatric colleagues to set up a monthly young person’s clinic for 16-19 year-olds with diabetes
He was also the clinical Head of Service for the Medicine Business Unit till September 2019 and has over the years been a clinical lead for the diabetes and endocrine service.
Although Dr Narayanan’s expertise and experience is largely in clinical medicine, diabetes and endocrinology he also has a keen interest in training and supervision of medical students and medical trainee doctors. In the past he was our RCP College Tutor for medicine and in April 2020 was appointed as one of our Foundation Programme Tutors.
Special interests
Dr Narayanan also has an interest in post-graduate training and education.
MB BS, MD, DipClinEd, FRCP