- Understanding womb cancer About womb cancer In the UK, about 9,400 women are diagnosed with womb cancer each year. Womb cancer is rare in women aged under 40 and becomes more common after the age of 55. Womb cancer can affect anyone who has a womb. Most womb cancers start in glandular cells found in the lining of the womb […]
Minimally Invasive Hysterectomy
What is a hysterectomy? Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the womb (uterus) and neck of the womb (cervix). Ovaries and fallopian tubes may or may not be removed. If you are a candidate for surgery, your surgeon may recommend: Open surgery The surgeon makes an incision in your tummy large enough to perform […]Topic: Gynea Oncology
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Follow-up Care After Treatment for Breast Cancer
Follow up plan This booklet will inform you of your planned follow up care after treatment for breast cancer. Once you have completed treatment you will not need to attend the follow up clinic regularly but you will remain under our care for the next five years. This means that you will not have to […]Topic: Breast Screening
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Children’s Speech and Language Therapy
About The Children’s Speech and Language Service The Children’s Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) service aims to maximise the communication potential of children and young people aged 0-19 years with speech, language, and communication needs. The service also provides assessment and support to families to ensure their child can maintain safe and effective eating, drinking […]Topic: Gynea Oncology
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Hip Osteoarthritis
Introduction This leaflet is designed to support your understanding of hip osteoarthritis (OA) and help you take an active approach in managing your symptoms. Please use this leaflet alongside the website links provided or scan the QR codes for more information. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/osteoarthritis/ What is Hip OA? OA is the most common form of arthritis, and […]Topic: Physiotherapy
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Knee Osteoarthritis (OA)
Introduction This leaflet is designed to support your understanding of knee osteoarthritis (OA) and help you take an active approach in managing your symptoms. Please use this leaflet alongside the website links provided or scan the QR codes for more information. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/osteoarthritis/ What is Knee OA? OA is the most common form of arthritis, and […]Topic: Physiotherapy
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Scarf and Akin Osteotomy
Introduction This leaflet is for anyone being listed for a Scarf and Akin Osteotomy surgery at Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust. What is this operation for? This surgery is to correct a Bunion which may be advised if your symptoms are significant, non-surgical measures have been exhausted and do not relieve the discomfort of the […]Topic: Orthopaedics
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
This leaflet explains about carpal tunnel, what it is and how it can be treated. It is intended for patients who are either thinking about or have decided to have surgery and aims to help you understand and gain the maximum benefit from your operation. What is the carpal tunnel? Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is […]Topic: Orthopaedics
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Discharge Advice Following Radical Trachelectomy for Cervical Cancer
Before leaving the ward you will be given the opportunity to ask the nursing staff any questions. You may be asked to sit in the dayroom before going home to allow emergency or new admissions for surgery that day to be allocated a bed. This will only be done if absolutely necessary. If you are […]Topic: Gynea Oncology
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors
Donor Sperm Pathway
This information leaflet is designed to give you an overview of the treatment pathway for patients using donor sperm. There are many aspects to consider when deciding to use donor sperm; please take some time to read through the different sections of this leaflet carefully. Please feel free to contact the unit if you have […]Topic: Fertility
Type: Patient information leaflets
Audience: Patients and visitors